The Arcturian Healing Method is a set of cosmic energies inspired by higher beings called Arcturians from the star system Arcturus. It is a multi-dimensional form of healing that is meant to accelerate your personal evolution. Light, energy, and information are encoded within the Arcturian frequencies. This approach brings balance to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual subtle bodies.



The wonderful thing about the Arcturian Healing Method is that there are a variety of frequencies that can be channeled during a session, depending upon the concerns of the client.  Sessions can be conducted in-person, as well as via distance healing.

Available sessions include:

  • Arcturian Neural Net–a broad based spectrum of healing frequencies geared towards balancing the nervous system tissue
  • Arcturian Brain Balancing–an advanced frequency meant to target specific brain areas for balancing.  I will specifically balance the right and left hemisphere of the brains, the pineal, the thalamus, the limbic system (emotional brain), the hippocampus (short term memory), the cerebellum (balance), and the brainstem
  • Arcturian Endocrine Activation–a specifically targeted frequency for the endocrine system that will work with all the major endocrine organs-the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, and the pancreas, to name a few, in order to bring an optimization and balance to their functioning
  • Arcturian Repatterning of Cells— experience a frequency to heal the body of physical symptoms at the cellular and DNA level
  • Longevity and Youthfulness—a frequency that will assist with maximum longevity and rejuvenation of the physical body
  • Super-Immune Booster—this frequency improves, balances, and heals all aspects of the immune system
  • Arcturian Dimensional Bridge–this frequency helps to merge whatever dimension you are in with the Arcturian Dimension so you can receive energy for any place that needs assistance
  • Arcturian Primordial Frequency–an awakening impulse, this frequency helps you to remember and embody the awareness of who you are before time began
  • Melchizedek Garment of Light Frequency–imbues your aura and subtle bodies with thousands of different light frequencies and raises the overall vibration of your consciousness
  • Advanced Arcturian Clairvoyance Frequencies–these frequencies improve and accelerate the sensing abilities (clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience)
  • Arcturian Glow Frequency–this is the ultimate body/mind tune-up tool meant to act as a way to beautify all the subtle bodies but not from a surface level of attraction or beauty but from the core essence of a person letting what is most natural and flowing to come through them
Brandi Khan, Arcturian Healing, Arcturian Healer, Arcturian Healing Method


1 Arcturian Healing Session: $88

The benefits of this multi-dimensional healing modality include:


Physical Healing and Rejuvenation


Improvement of Emotional and Mental well-being


Spiritual Uplift


Stress Relief


Life Path Alignment


Life Functioning Upgrade


Energetic Clearing and Protection


Facilitates a connection with your Higher Self


Offered in conjunction with powerful Intergalactic frequencies

Arcturian Codex Session

2-Session Arcturian Codex: $144

Imprints the information for the full development of your subtle bodies. Two sessions are required to fully download the information into your system.   

The following subtle body structures are activated in your system: 


Symbol of Life


Activation of the 12 Petals of the Heart Chakra


Pineal Gland Activation


Stress Activation of the Thunder Chakra


Connection of Your Inner Grid Lines to the Greater Grid Lines of the Earth, Other Star Systems, the Universe, and Parallel Universes


Activation of 9 Energy Nodes Above the Head


Activation of 9 Energy Nodes Below the Body


Activation of the Central Channel of Energy In the Body


Awakening of the Third Eye Tunnel


Activation of the Belly/Lower Dan Tien/Hara/Cauldron


Activation of the Uraeus or Unicorn Light


Activation of the 3 Guardian Shields Surrounding the Body

What is Arcturian Healing? Brandi Khan Arcturian Healer
Brandi Khan, Arcturian Healing, Arcturian Healer, Arcturian Blueprint Activation

Arcturian Blueprint Activation

5-Session Blueprint Activation: $440

Imprints the information for the full development of your subtle Experience a life-changing frequency that allows you to align more closely with your Divine Blueprint. 
Five weekly sessions of this frequency are required to fully complete the Blueprint Activation.

Arcturian Super Immune Boosting Frequency

I wish to make my offerings available to everyone who needs them. If the amounts listed aren’t feasible for you, please contact me, and let’s find a mutually beneficial solution.