Starseeds are advanced souls from other star systems who have incarnated on Earth to assist in humanity's evolution. One of the most recognized starseed groups comes from the Pleiades, a cluster of stars also known as the Seven Sisters. Pleiadian starseeds carry a...
How to Empower Your Leo Child
Born between July 23 and August 22, Leo children have to potential to be strong leaders! Like the rays of the Sun, your child may have a bright and warm personality. Usually, Leo children love being the center of attention. They crave adulation and praise. However,...
How to Empower Your Cancer Child
If your child was born between June 22 and July 22, your child's Sun is in the sign of Cancer. Ruled by the Moon, Cancerian children may be emotional, shy, and intuitive. There may also be a strong attachment to the family, especially to the mother figure. Moreover,...
How to Empower Your Gemini Child
If your child was born between May 21 and June 20, their Sun is in the lively sign of Gemini! Ruled by the planet Mercury, Gemini children are strong communicators and natural storytellers. Your child may be a social butterfly who entertains others with a beautiful...
How to Empower Your Taurus Child
Born between April 20 and May 20, your Taurus child has powers of persuasion and persistence! Much like the bull, which is the symbol for Taurus, your child may be quite determined when they set their sights on a goal. However, they prefer to take things at...
How To Empower Your Aries Child
Born between March 21 and April 19, your Aries child was born to blaze new trails! They are bold, passionate, and full of energy. Enthusiasm reigns supreme with Aries. Ruled by Mars, the fiery sign of Aries embodies courage. Therefore, Aries children can be...
How to Empower Your Pisces Child
Born between February 19 and March 20, Pisces children are naturally intuitive and they carry a heightened ability to sense the energy around them. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others. Your Pisces child may also be very...
How to Empower Your Aquarius Child
Born between January 20 and February 18, the Aquarius child comes into this world with a sense of uniqueness and individuality. These young ones are naturally independent and strong-willed! They must have a sense of freedom to express their brilliance and...
How To Empower Your Capricorn Child
Born between December 23 and January 19, Capricorn children tend to be practical, responsible, and hard-working. Building structure is one of their strengths! Capricorn excels at taking action and transforming their ideas into reality. Serious by nature, your...
How to Empower Your Sagittarius Child
Born between November 22 and December 21, Sagittarius children are optimistic and adventurous free spirits! They love to explore! They may even be restless and impulsive at times. Even though Sagittarius children may be known for their unfiltered honesty, their...