Starseeds are advanced souls from other star systems who have incarnated on Earth to assist in humanity's evolution. One of the most recognized starseed groups comes from the Pleiades, a cluster of stars also known as the Seven Sisters. Pleiadian starseeds carry a...
How to Empower Your Leo Child
Born between July 23 and August 22, Leo children have to potential to be strong leaders! Like the rays of the Sun, your child may have a bright and warm personality. Usually, Leo children love being the center of attention. They crave adulation and praise. However,...
What Is A Chakra?
Why Meditate?
What is Reiki?
It’s not massage or acupuncture. It’s Reiki!What is Reiki?Reiki is a natural, energy healing method that brings relaxation, reduces stress, and removes energetic blockages within the body. It also brings about a sense of balance and alignment. Reiki enhances the flow...