I get dimes. They are dimes from heaven! And I know that they are signs from my Dad. My father passed in September of 2016. Throughout the last four years, they have shown up during important life moments and when I need emotional encouragement. Or sometimes, they simply show up as reminders that my father is around.
My First Dime
My first experience of receiving a dime from my father occurred a month after he passed. I had went to bed very late one night. Feeling too exhausted to crawl beneath the comforter, I grabbed a blanket and gently unfolded it. I covered myself and fell into a deep sleep.
As I climbed out of bed the next morning, I heard a small item hit the floor. I looked down and I noticed a shiny, silver dime. It was as though someone had placed it on top of my blanket as I slept. Knowing that passed loved ones leave coins many times, I immediately knew that it was a sign from my father.
Even More Dimes!
Two months ago, I made the tough decision to have my dog, Ollie, put to sleep. Right after I came home from the vet’s office, I noticed a dime right beside his little doggie bed. I knew that it was my father letting me know that Ollie was now safe with him.
A few weeks later, I received a call from my Uncle as I was driving to the store. He shared a memory about my dad, and we both had a good laugh. Minutes later, I found a dime on the ground as I stepped out of my car. As it glistened in the sunlight, I smiled and said, “Thank you, Daddy.” I knew that he was laughing right along with me and my Uncle.
Life does, indeed, go on. Each and every time that I receive a dime, I am reminded of this. Thank Heaven for dimes.