How to Empower Your Pisces Child

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Astrology

Pisces Children, Brandi Khan Astrologer, Astrology


Born between February 19 and March 20, Pisces children are naturally intuitive. They carry a heightened ability to sense the energy around them. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others.

Your Pisces child may also be very artistic and creative. They may be drawn to music, art, photography, or dance. In addition, Pisces children have a very rich imagination, which can sometimes lead them to stretch the truth.  Therefore, it is imperative that they learn the importance of being sincere, without allowing their imagination to distort reality.

How can you, as a parent, help your Pisces child reach their full potential? Since the astrological Sun sign can shape the human personality, you can discover a personalized approach to parenting by examining the qualities of your child’s Sun sign. Therefore, you can help your child thrive and develop their natural strengths.

How to Empower Your Pisces Child:

  • Pisces children can be wonderfully creative! Encourage them to express themselves through art or music.
  • Strong intuition is a natural feature for Pisces. Teach your child to trust their gut feelings implicitly.
  • Your Pisces child is a very sensitive soul. Be gentle when you correct them.  Always let them know that they are deeply loved.
  • The world can sometimes feel like a harsh place to a Pisces child. Teach them how to protect themselves from negativity by imagining that a bubble of white light surrounds them if they are in a situation that does not feel good. This light will strengthen their energy field and protect them from taking on the energy of those around them.
  • Emotions run strong for Pisces children! Spending time in nature can positively affect them by helping them to “ground” their energy.
  • Physical touch could be your child’s love language! Usually, Pisces children are very affectionate. They may crave closeness and ask for hugs. Give them gentle touches often, so they feel loved.

Life Lessons for Your Pisces Child:

  • With such an active imagination, you may notice that your child tends to twist the truth at times. Help them to understand that even though it is ok to pretend and make up stories during playtime, there are other times when they must be honest. Please encourage your child to be forthright by creating an environment where they feel safe when telling the truth.
  • As a water sign, Pisces children love to go with the flow. They may be prone to daydreaming. For this reason, procrastination may be an issue that they face. While they have many inspirational ideas, it may be challenging to make things happen. So teaching them how to implement structure and accomplish their goals can be helpful.
  • Watch out for too much television, computer, or Ipad! Your child may enjoy “escaping” from the tasks of daily life through the use of electronics.
  • Since Pisces rules the feet, please encourage your child to avoid injury by taking good care of their feet. Make sure that they wear well-fitting shoes to prevent aches and pains. Foot massages and salt baths may also be helpful.
  • Pisces children can be very selfless. Remind them that even though it is lovely to think of others, they must also remember to care for themselves. Let them know that their needs are just as important as everyone else’s needs. They do not need to sacrifice their sense of self or well-being to make other people happy as they go through life.
Learn more about the astrology of Pisces here!
Schedule a session here to learn about your child’s astrology natal chart!