clear your energy - how to smudge

Imagine that you’ve gone for 90 days without a shower.  Since you have not brushed your teeth or washed your hair, your physical hygiene is virtually non-existent.  Sounds pretty gross, right?

Well, just as your physical body requires care, you also have an energetic body that requires attention and maintenance.  It is called the aura.

You can clear your energy field by using a practice that originated 2,000 years ago from indigenous people. It’s called “smudging.”  This process involves burning white sage, palo santo, or other herbs to remove stagnant energy.  It allows positive energy to enter.

Benefits of Smudging

In addition to removing negative energy, smudging can also have the following effects:

  • The smoke from burning sage releases negative ions into the air.  These invisible molecules are beneficial for the human body. They have been linked to a more positive outlook.
  • In high concentrations, negative ions can even counteract the affects of pollen, pet dander, dust, and mold spores.
  •  A 2007 scientific study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that smudging with “medicinal smoke” for one hour reduces airborne bacteria by more than 94%.
  • You can clear the energy of a location or object by smudging.

Clearing Your Energy: Smudging in 5 Easy Ways with Brandi Khan

How to Smudge Your Space and Your Aura

Before you begin the process of smudging, make sure that the space that you are clearing is tidy.  Clutter and disorganization allow dense energy to thrive.  After cleaning, follow the steps below:

  1. Purchase high-quality white sage or palo santo.  I personally recommend Shamans Market for the outstanding products that they offer.  You will also need a fire-proof container, such as an abalone shell. This will hold the sage while it burns.
  2. Open a door or several windows for ventilation.  This will also provide a way for denser energy to leave your space.
  3. Light your sage or palo santo stick away from the end that you are holding.  Allow it to burn for 20 seconds.  Next, gently extinguish the flame by waving it out.
  4. Place your sage bundle or palo santo stick into your heat resistant container and begin to walk through the room.  Fan the smoke throughout the space, remembering to treat corners and closets.  If you are clearing your own energetic field, begin at your feet and allow the smoke to wrap around your body, like a warm blanket.
  5. The most important step is to state an intention for your desired outcome.  You could say, ” Only love, light, and positive energy is allowed around me and/or in this space.  Any energy that is not serving my highest good must leave now.” After completing the process, extinguish the sage against a fire proof surface.  Make sure that no burning embers remain.  Allow the windows to remain open for at least an hour.

Remember, it is important to remember to maintain your spiritual hygiene.  You carry your energy field wherever you go.  Therefore, make the effort to always put your best foot forward.

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