Libra Child


Your Libra child comes into the world to bring balance, peace, and harmony. They highly value fairness and justice. Friendships are important to them. Charming and diplomatic, your child may be quite the social butterfly! Discord of any kind can be upsetting for the Libra child. For this reason, they will often play peacemaker and encourage others to compromise. Seeing both sides of an issue is easy for them. When it comes to making decisions, they may weigh the pros and cons endlessly before taking action. Due to this, your child may be indecisive at times.

How can you, as a parent, help your Libra child to reach their full potential? Since the astrological Sun sign can shape the human personality, you can discover a personalized approach to parenting by examining the qualities of your child’s Sun sign. Therefore, you can help your child to thrive and develop their natural strengths.


How to Empower Your Libra Child:

  • Your Libra child may be quite popular and have a large group of friends. Being liked by everyone may be important to them. This desire to be accepted could cause them to follow the crowd, even when it conflicts with their beliefs. Teach your child that it is more important to stand up for what is right. Others will respect them more for sticking to their principles.
  • It is also important for Libra children to choose their friends and associates wisely. Encourage them to spend time with those who will reinforce their own ideals of honesty, fairness, and kindness.
  • Librans are very connected to the arts. Music or art can be a source of joy for your child. Give them the opportunity to express themselves creatively. Music, voice, art, or acting lessons could be worthwhile pastimes for your child.
  • Harmony is extremely important to your child. Therefore, they may avoid conflict at all costs. Teach them to confidently and assertively speak up for themselves. Otherwise, they could be dominated by stronger personalities.
  • The sign of Libra is ruled by the planet of beauty and harmony, Venus. Therefore, Libra children thrive in beautiful surroundings. They will feel at their best in a calm and peaceful environment that appeals to their sense of refinement.
  • Disciplining a Libra child is best done in a manner that is calm, fair, and logical. Since problem solving and compromising are their strengths, discuss the issue with your child and take their perspective into consideration. They do not like to feel as if they are being treated in a harsh manner.


Life Lessons for Your Libra Child:

  • Librans can fall prey to people pleasing. Usually, they will pursue peace at all costs. However, it is important for your child to learn that occasional conflict is a natural part of life. As uncomfortable as it is, we must help them to learn to confidently speak up and be assertive at the appropriate time.
  • Your child may be drawn to think more about the needs of others and less about themselves. Therefore, they tend to be quite generous. Sharing with others is one of their strengths. Remind your child that it is perfectly acceptable for them to prioritize their own needs when necessary.
  • Since Libra is the sign of relationships, your child may prefer being with friends rather than doing things by themselves. Encourage your child to balance their desire for group activities with time spent alone pursuing their own passions.
  • At times, seeing both sides of a situation can make it difficult for your child to make decisions. We can teach them that after reviewing their options, it is important to be decisive and to be ok with the results that come. Endlessly considering every outcome can lead to inaction when opportunity presents itself.


By understanding your child, you are able to take a more objective approach to parenting. It’s easier to appreciate their strengths. And you will be better equipped to show compassion for their areas of weakness. Help your Libra child to thrive by treating them with love, kindness, and a sense of fairness!

Learn more about the astrology of Libra here!
To learn about the astrology in your child’s natal chart, schedule a session here!