How to Empower Your Scorpio Child

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Astrology

Empowering Your Scorpio Child


Born between October 23 and November 22, your Scorpio child carries a strong sense of determination and magnetism. Emotional intensity may run deep beneath the surface! Your child can be strong-willed, yet loyal. Besides being highly intelligent, your child may also have exceptionally strong intuitive abilities. Most importantly, they have a deep need to feel loved and connected to those around them. In addition, your Scorpio child may often have the tendency to bottle their feelings inside. You can help them to maintain their emotional balance by encouraging them to talk about any problems that they may be experiencing.

How can you, as a parent, help your Scorpio child to reach their full potential? Since the astrological Sun sign can shape the human personality, you can discover a personalized approach to parenting by examining the qualities of your child’s Sun sign. Therefore, you can help your child to thrive and develop their natural strengths.

How to Empower Your Scorpio Child:

  • Emotional intensity is the name of the game with Scorpio! You may notice that your child often experiences their emotions in a very deep way. They can be very passionate regarding things that they like or dislike. Nevertheless, you can help your child to find balance in the midst of overwhelming emotions by encouraging them to talk about their feelings.
  • Your Scorpio child can demonstrate unparalleled loyalty. It is important to remember that they expect the same in return. The experience of betrayal can be devastating for your child.
  • As a parent, you may notice that your child has the tendency to be secretive about their thoughts and feelings. This may be a protective mechanism. Usually, the Scorpio child does not like to show weakness in any way. Therefore, they may prefer to keep their inner world private. You can provide a sense of safety by respecting their emotional boundaries. Allow them to naturally open up to you and to comfortably share their feelings.
  • Honesty is always the best policy when dealing with your Scorpio child. They can sense deception! If you attempt to hide the truth, you will be unsuccessful. Therefore, you should always deal with them in an honest and straightforward manner. 
  • Your Scorpio child has a strong intuitive ability. Therefore, they may be able to easily “read” other people and perceive their true motives and intentions. Teach them to value their inner knowing. They should always to listen to what they feel. 
  • Possessiveness is another trait that you may notice in your child. At times, they may need encouragement to share with others. Praise them when they display generosity to their friends and family. 

Life Lessons for Your Scorpio Child:

  • Due to the intensity of their feelings, your child must learn how to constructively express their emotions. This is an important lesson! Uncontrolled emotion may lead to obsessive and manipulative behavior. 
  • Your Scorpio child may naturally have a sharp tongue or speak with stinging sarcasm. They must remember to use discretion with their words. Once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back. Teach them to use the healing power of Scorpio to express kindness and compassion to others.
  • You may notice that your Scorpio child is sensitive. In addition, they may even have the tendency to take things personally. For this reason, they may be vindictive and seek revenge against those that hurt them. It is important to teach them that holding grudges against others is unhealthy. Their life lesson is to learn the value of forgiveness and how to release the past.
  • Even though Scorpio has an aversion to being manipulated, they may at times resort to using this tactic to get what they want. It’s important for them to remember to treat others in the same way that we desire to be treated. Speaking with truth and honesty is always the best policy.
  • The sign of Scorpio embodies the concept of personal transformation. Their life mission is to use their power to do good in this world. Remind your child to choose the highest expression of their energy and emotions.


By understanding your child, you are able to take a more objective approach to parenting. It’s easier to appreciate their strengths. And you will be better equipped to show compassion for their areas of weakness. Help your Scorpio child to thrive by treating them with love, kindness, and a sense of fairness!

Learn more about the astrology of Scorpio here!
To learn about the astrology in your child’s natal chart, schedule a session here!