The Virgo Child, Brandi Khan


Your Virgo child is here to make a difference! Their gifts of organization, intelligence, and dependability enable them to shine. Moreover, they have a sharp eye for detail. However, Virgo children can be quite perfectionistic. They may have very high expectations for themselves.

How can you, as a parent, help your Virgo child to reach their full potential? Since the astrological Sun sign can shape the human personality, you can discover a personalized approach to parenting by examining the qualities of your child’s Sun sign. Therefore, you can help your child to thrive and develop their natural strengths.

How to Empower Your Virgo Child:

  • Cleanliness is usually very important for the Virgo child. They may feel more secure in an environment that is neat and orderly. Allow them to help you with cleaning and organizing their toys after playtime. You may be quite surprised by their knack for bringing order to their environment.
  • You may notice that your Virgo child worries excessively or suffers from anxiety. It may be helpful to teach your child how to do relaxation exercises through deep breathing meditation. This will help them to feel more grounded in their daily life.
  • Virgo children usually have a great memory! Stimulate their intellectual abilities by providing age appropriate magazines, books, and puzzles. They may also enjoy watching science or history videos and documentaries.
  • Expressing emotions can be difficult for your Virgo child. Help your child to get in touch with their deeper feelings by asking them to describe what they are experiencing. Ask them what the emotion feels like, what color does it appear to be, and where is it located in their body? This will help them to acknowledge their emotions, instead of denying what they are feeling inside.
  • Your child may get a deep sense of satisfaction from helping others. In fact, their love language could be “Acts of Service.” Allow them to help with chores or to care for the family pets. Praise them and let them know that you appreciate their help. This could give them a strong sense of purpose.
  • Virgo children may be very critical of themselves. Therefore, they may lack confidence. Affirm to them that they are worthy and valuable, just as they are.
  • The Virgo child may have a natural interest in health and wellness. Therefore, teach them to care for their body and to eat properly while they are young. It is likely that these good habits will stick with your child for life.

Life Lessons for Your Virgo Child:

  • Your child may even believe that they need to be perfect in order to be loved. Show them that they are loved unconditionally.  Always highlight and emphasize what they do right instead of criticizing them. Your acceptance of them will help them to love and accept themselves.
  • It’s important to teach your child to take a non-judgmental approach to others as well. It is easy for a Virgo to focus on the shortcomings of those around them. You can empower them to see the good qualities in other people.
  • Your Virgo Child may be quite shy and reserved around others, and this is ok. They are wired to be cautious around unfamiliar people, and they prefer to observe.  Allow them to be this way. However, keep in mind that one of their main lessons involves learning to be more open and loving. You can model this behavior by being affectionate and caring to your child.
  • As the child in Virgo is of service to others, they must learn to serve with love and an open heart.

By understanding your child, you are able to take a more objective approach to parenting. It’s easier to appreciate their strengths. And you will be better equipped to show compassion for their areas of weakness. Help your Virgo child to thrive by letting them know that they do not need to be perfect in order to be loved!


Learn more about the astrology of Virgo here!
To learn about the astrology in your child’s natal chart, schedule a session here!