How to Empower Your Cancer Child

by | Jun 23, 2022 | Astrology, Featured Post

Sun in Cancer Child Brandi Khan Astrologer

If your child was born between June 22 and July 22, your child’s Sun is in the sign of Cancer. Ruled by the Moon, Cancerian children may be emotional, shy, and intuitive. There may also be a strong attachment to the family, especially to the mother figure. Moreover, home must be a peaceful and safe place for your child to grow and thrive.

How can you, as a parent, help your Cancerian child reach their full potential? Since the astrological Sun sign can shape your personality, you can discover a personalized approach to parenting by examining the qualities of your child’s Sun sign. Therefore, you can help your child thrive and develop their natural strengths.

How to Empower Your Cancer Child:

  • Cancer children are very sensitive to their surroundings. They easily absorb the energy and feelings of the people around them. Teach your child to imagine that a protective bubble surrounds them and only allows good energy inside. This will help them avoid allowing the energy of others to affect them negatively.
  • Home is a significant place for a Cancer child. It is essential that your child feels safe and protected in their environment. Make your home a sanctuary of love, kindness, and affection for the well-being of your Cancer child.
  • Like the crab that symbolizes the sign of Cancer, your child may withdraw if they feel emotionally vulnerable. They may even be perceived as cold or distant by others. Don’t worry! It’s likely just a self-protective mechanism. However, their gentle and compassionate nature will be revealed to those who make them feel safe and at home.
  • Your child may have a strong sense of intuition! Let your child know that these gifts are nothing to fear. Instead, teach them to honor this gift by listening to their feelings and insights.
  • Cancer is a water sign. Therefore, spending time in water can be a calming experience for your child. Whether playing in the water during bathtime or swimming in the ocean, Cancer children can feel uplifted after being in or near water.
  • Remember that your child is quite sensitive. Therefore, please try to avoid harsh discipline. Instead, appeal to your child’s inherent sensitivity and talk to them about how their actions make you feel.
  • Your child may be a natural caretaker! Since nurturing comes easily to Cancer children, your child may enjoy caring for a small plant or pet.


Life Lessons for Your Cancer Child:

  • Since the sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, it is important to remember that Cancerian children will be more sensitive to the Moon’s cycles. In particular, the new Moon and full Moon may cause them to feel more emotional. By learning about the Moon’s monthly cycles and how their behavior may be affected, your child will feel more in control of their emotional state.
  • Your child may associate food with a sense of security. So, begin early to help your child develop healthy eating habits. Encourage them only to eat when they feel calm and settled–not anxious! This will help your child to avoid using food to meet emotional needs.
  • The sign of Cancer rules the chest, stomach, and breasts. Therefore, your child may have a delicate stomach or occasional digestive issues.
  • Ensure your child learns the importance of releasing material possessions that have no purpose. If a Cancer child is out of balance, they may be likely to hoard objects out of a sense of insecurity.
  • It is also essential that the Cancer child learns how to let go of emotional grievances. If your child feels hurt by someone, they may hold onto a grudge for a very long time. Teach them that forgiveness promotes emotional well-being, healthier relationships, and a more positive outlook on life.
    Learn more about the astrology of Cancer here!
    Schedule a session here to learn MORE about your child’s astrology natal chart!