The Sun in the sign of Cancer can give a strong desire to nurture and support others. With this placement, home and family is of the utmost importance. You may have a natural talent for creating a warm and welcoming environment. In addition, you have a high level of emotional sensitivity. Therefore, you intuitively know what others need. Caring for your loved ones and feeling needed may give you a sense of fulfillment. However, your heroic journey to your authentic self involves learning how to nurture yourself and pay attention to your feelings.

Astrology of Cancer:

Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon–which symbolizes our emotional, empathic, and instinctive nature. In addition, the Moon shows how you were nurtured or “mothered” as a child, as well as your relationship with your mother and other prominent women in your life. When you embrace the energy of your Moon, you are able to express and meet your emotional needs in a safe way. However, if you are not in touch with the power of the Moon in your natal chart, you might feel embarrassed to admit your feelings.

The Crab represents the sign of Cancer. The tough, outer shell of the Crab hides the soft, vulnerable flesh inside. In the same way, you may seem very  guarded to the outside world. Yet deep inside, you are truly soft-hearted and quite sensitive to those who are close to your heart.

Like all astrological signs, your natal Sun in Cancer traits can manifest in a functional or dysfunctional manner. In fact, your “superpowers” are the abilities that come naturally to you when you are at your best! However, a lack of balance can lead to behavior that prevents you from being your best. These habits, much like “kryptonite”, can limit your potential.

Cancer Superpowers:

  • Your loyalty knows no bounds! Hence, your devotion and commitment to those you love is truly unmatched.
  • Home is your domain and caring for others is your specialty. As a result, hospitality, homemaking, or decorating may come naturally to you.
  • You may have a magic touch in the kitchen. Cooking and food preparation may be one of your hidden superpowers.
  • Your strong awareness of emotion combined with your intuitive nature gives you the strong ability to perceive the currents of energy around you. Therefore, you may be a great judge of character.
  • Your business sense may be quite sharp! Shrewd and cautious, you may easily excel in sensing new trends in the area of business. You may feel drawn to work in the family business, or to focus on issues pertaining to women through your work.
  • Like the Crab, you have natural sense of tenacity and bravery.

Cancer Kryptonite:

  • A vivid imagination can be one of your greatest strengths or weaknesses. Be careful of imagining the worst possible outcome. Either way, the Universe will meet your expectations.
  • In your effort to care for everyone else, you may unintentionally sacrifice your own needs. This could lead to resentment and feeling like no one appreciates you. Make sure others are aware of how they can support you.
  • Watch out for the tendency to be clingy and smothering of those you love. Your protective nature could lead you to be overly possessive.
  • At times, you could come across as moody and temperamental. So stay aware of the shifts in your emotions–which may occur frequently.
  • The sign of Cancer rules the digestive organs and the breasts. Anxiety and emotional stress could lead to digestive problems, ulcers, or gastritis. Furthermore, there is the potential for weight gain in later years.

Cancer Life Lessons:

  • In order to thrive, your home environment must be a place of safety and security for you. This will give you a sense of emotional equilibrium. As a result, you can then effectively go out into the world and express yourself.
  • Hidden anger and resentment could come out in unexpected ways because you dislike direct confrontation. This could potentially damage your relationships. Therefore, make sure that you are not “stuffing” or hiding your feelings.
  • You cannot pour from an empty cup! As you care for others, you must remember to prioritize your needs as well.
  • Do not allow your fears to keep you on the sidelines of life. Learn to trust that the Universe will support you in an amazing way.
  • You must allow those with a special place in your heart to be who they need to be.
  • Your rich emotional landscape can be overwhelming at times. Remember, your emotions are simply messengers that guide you through life. Heed the message and then discern what your best course of action should be.


Are you a Cancer who doesn’t identify with your Sun sign? If so, you may identify more with your Rising or Moon sign. Or you may have an emphasis of another sign in your natal chart. To learn more about the other planets in your astrological natal chart, purchase a reading here!  Or contact me here if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!