How to Empower Your Capricorn Child


Born between December 23 and January 19, Capricorn children tend to be practical, responsible, and hard-working. Building structure is one of their strengths! Capricorn excels at taking action and transforming their ideas into reality.

Serious by nature, your child may be quite mature for their young age. Tradition and rituals may be very important to them. In addition, they can be quite ambitious when it comes to achieving their goals. If you tell them that something cannot be done, they will do their best to prove you wrong! With an internal drive to be the best, they may set high standards for themselves. For this reason, it is important that your Capricorn child learns not to equate their sense of self-worth with their achievements.

How can you, as a parent, help your Capricorn child to reach their full potential? Since the astrological Sun sign can shape the human personality, you can discover a personalized approach to parenting by examining the qualities of your child’s Sun sign. Therefore, you can help your child thrive and develop their natural strengths.

How to Empower Your Capricorn Child:

  • Like the persistent mountain goat, Capricorn children will set their sights on a goal and tirelessly work to achieve it. Challenge is an exciting endeavor for this zodiac sign! Your child is likely to enjoy the success that comes from self-discipline and focus. Praise them for a job well done when they reach a milestone.
  • It may be pretty easy to potty train your young Capricorn! They enjoy learning new things, and they will usually try their best in any task that they are given.
  • It is important to have rules and expectations within the home. Structure is particularly important for your Capricorn child. It gives them a sense of stability and security. If left to drift on their own, Capricorn lacks the solid foundation needed to thrive.
  • Since the sign of Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, your child may have an air of wisdom or maturity. Capricorn children may seem like “old souls” who are far wiser than their young years. It is important that they feel valued for their perspectives. However, they also might need encouragement to let loose, play, and have fun. Teach them that it is ok to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
  • Due to their practical nature, Capricorn children can easily grasp how to deal with money. Help your child to learn about budgeting, saving, and investing by giving them an allowance. Capricorn children are likely to make wise choices when it comes to money. In addition, they may want a job or a way to earn money at a young age.
  • In astrology, Capricorn is considered to be an earth sign. Therefore, your child may have a love of nature and the outdoors. Growing a flower or a vegetable garden may be a fulfilling pastime.

Life Lessons for Your Capricorn Child:

  • Capricorn children can have a work ethic that is unmatched! Yet, they may also hold unrealistic expectations of themselves. It is vital for you, as the parent, to teach them that mistakes are acceptable and that they don’t need to be perfect in order to be loved.
  • It can be difficult for Capricorn to release things of the past. Whether it means stubbornly holding onto old possessions or hurt feelings, letting go may not be easy. Please help your child to understand that releasing things or emotions that no longer serve them can be beneficial. Growth comes from stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing the new.
  • Pragmatism is one of the hallmarks of Capricorn. It may be too easy for your child to adopt a pessimistic way of seeing the world with this reality-based thinking. Please encourage them to focus on the positive aspects of people and situations.
  • The sign of Capricorn rules the skeletal system, the skin, the teeth, and the knees. Therefore, special attention must be paid to these areas of the body. Be cautious of injury to the bones, especially the knees. Teach your child the importance of daily exercise and stretching to maintain the strength and flexibility of their body.

By understanding your child, you can take a more objective approach as a parent. It’s easier to appreciate their strengths. And you will be better equipped to show compassion for their areas of weakness. Help your Capricorn child to thrive by treating them with love, kindness, and a sense of fairness!

Learn more about the astrology of Capricorn here!
To learn about astrology in your child’s natal chart, schedule a session here!