Sun in Aquarius Brandi KhanThe Sun in Aquarius can give the fierce need for an independent mind, heart, and spirit. You are a nonconformist and communicator at heart! Demanding justice and equality for all people may be your calling. Your heroic journey to your authentic self is all about embodying your uniqueness. You must also learn to value your ability to bring progress and change.

Astrology of Aquarius:

Aquarius is an air sign ruled by the planet Uranus, which is commonly known as “The Great Awakener.” Uranus rules science, technology, revolution, and astrology. It also represents humanitarianism, originality and innovation. Therefore, Sun in Aquarius will usually choose the progressive and untraditional approach.

The symbol for Aquarius is the water bearer. He shares the waters of wisdom and higher consciousness with those around him. Thus, Aquarius may have lofty visions of a brighter future to share. The cooperative and open minded energy of Aquarius can stimulate humanity’s awareness of unity.

Like all astrological signs, you can be functional or dysfunctional in the expression of your Aquarian qualities. In fact, your “superpowers” are the abilities that come naturally to you! However, a lack of balance can lead to behavior that prevents you from being your best. These habits, much like “kryptonite”, can limit your potential.

Aquarius Superpowers:

  • Sun in Aquarius may be a humanitarian at heart! You may have a strong belief that everyone is entitled to basic human and civil rights. Speaking out against injustices may be your superpower.
  • You may be quite clever and inventive! Due to the “air” nature of Aquarius, your intellect could be quite sharp. In fact, you may also have moments of brilliance!  For this reason, Aquarius could be on the cutting edge of new scientific and technological advancements.
  • Sociable and friendly, you may find that working within a group is one of your strengths. It’s easy for you to relate to different types of people, regardless of their social status.
  • You are a true individual! You thrive on blazing your own path. Following the crowd is not your style. The freedom to be unique is essential for you. Therefore, you willingly allow others to be themselves with no judgement.
  • Sun in Aquarius is a true visionary. Your views may be future-oriented and progressive. Focusing on “the greater good of all” may be important to you.
  • You may be a natural communicator! You are able to objectively share your new ideas and viewpoints without allowing your emotions to interfere.

Aquarius Kryptonite:

  • With Uranus as your ruling planet, it may be difficult for you to be consistent. If out of balance, you can even be quite unpredictable.
  • Due to your ability to remain objective in most situations, others may find you distant or insensitive. Emotional intensity could cause you to detach from people and situations.
  • Sun in Aquarius loves freedom and does not like to feel trapped. This could make it difficult to maintain close, personal relationships. Therefore, some Aquarians prefer to remain single.
  • During your childhood, there may have been a sense of not belonging. Moreover, you may have also sensed that you did not fit in among your peers. Your approach to life may be eccentric and untraditional, which may leave you feeling left out in the cold.
  • Your ankles could be a vulnerable area of your body. Do exercises to strengthen your ankles and wear shoes to provide good support.

Aquarius Life Lessons:

  • Live according to your own truth! Your purpose is to be authentic. Embrace who you truly are, in spite of what others think.
  • You will be at your best when you find your “tribe” of like-minded people. Life experiences of not blending in could leave you feeling isolated. But you must remember that it’s safe for you to belong.
  • Within relationships, you require the freedom to be yourself with no restrictions. But keep in mind, it’s possible to honor your sense of independence while maintaining a connection with others.
  • Logic is important. But also remember to acknowledge your emotions! Being overly detached can make your approach less effective.
  • While you are meant to be forward thinking and futuristic, try not to get stuck in your ideas of how things should be. Allow yourself and others the freedom to evolve.
Are you an Aquarius who doesn’t identify with your Sun sign? If so, you may identify more with your Rising or Moon sign. Or you may have an emphasis of another sign in your natal chart. To learn more about the other planets in your astrological natal chart, purchase a reading here!