Sun in Aries, Aries Sun, Astrology

The Sun in Aries gives courage, boldness, and a fighting spirit. You are a natural born leader! Therefore, you will feel called to blaze your own trail instead of following others. You are meant to stand out from the crowd. Your heroic journey to your authentic self involves standing in your power as an individual, yet remaining aware of the needs and feelings of others.

Astrology of Aries:

Aries is a fire sign that is ruled by the planet Mars, the ancient God of War. Mars represents action, assertion, and passion. If you are using the energy of Mars constructively, you will be able to assert yourself in healthy ways. You will also have the drive that you need to accomplish your goals. However, the energy of Mars used destructively can manifest as explosive anger that results in physical, emotional, or verbal violence.

The qualities of Aries are symbolized by the ram. Just as the ram runs headfirst into obstacles, Aries natives forge ahead in spite of challenges. The ram also can represent masculine vigor, drive, authority, and intense force.

Like all astrological signs, you can be functional or dysfunctional in your expression of the qualities of Aries. In fact, your “superpowers” are the abilities that come naturally to you when you are at your best! However, a lack of balance can lead to behavior that prevents you from being your best. These habits, much like “kryptonite”, can limit your potential.

Aries Superpowers:

  • You act with passion and boldness! You love challenge and adventure, but you must have meaning and purpose in order to truly devote yourself to an endeavor. When you know what you want, no one can stop you.
  • Competition may be one way that you seek to prove yourself and sharpen your abilities. You are gifted with an intense drive to succeed that motivates you to be the best! Athleticism may also be one of your gifts.
  • Take a risk! Your strong sense of courage allows you to forge ahead into the unknown, lighting the way for others to follow.
  • You tend to be straightforward and honest with others, and you expect the same in return.
  • Don’t tread on me! You are naturally independent and seek to project a sense of strength to others. You may prefer to be the one who calls the shots.
  • What an inspiration! Your dynamic nature and generosity may motivate others to action.
  • You may have a natural sense of optimism and a deep belief that there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

Aries Kryptonite:

  • Have patience! You may be impulsive if you feel blocked or restricted.
  • Beware of the tendency to be too focused on yourself. Remember that the needs, wants, and desires of others are just as important as your own.
  • At times, you may lack tact and diplomacy. Remind yourself to consider the feelings of others before speaking.
  • If out of balance, you may be prone to creating conflict. Your strong sense of independence could make it difficult to show vulnerability. But keep in mind that no man is an island! Depending on others does not diminish your strength.
  • Where’s the finish line? You may love to begin new projects, but your interest can quickly fade. Therefore, it may be difficult to finish what you started. Remember to pace yourself without burning all of your energy at the beginning of a new adventure.
  •  Failure can be a tough pill for you to swallow. Remember not to place too much emphasis on winning at all costs.
  • Slow down! The tendency to rush through life carelessly could lead to minor injuries–such as cuts, burns, or bruises.

Aries Life Lessons:

  • To reach your highest potential, you must realize the importance of fostering harmony with others. Give the same consideration to others that you would like for yourself.
  • Team work makes the dream work! Learning how to work and share with others when you are pursuing your goals is essential.
  • Affirm that you are able to assert yourself in a safe and healthy manner without relying on aggression.
  • Take time to not only tune into your feelings, but also to be aware of the needs of those around you.
  • It’s important to channel your abundant energy in a beneficial way. Therefore, you may enjoy participating in athletics or having a consistent exercise routine.
  • Life is not a battlefield! You are here to learn how to share and cooperate with others, while maintaining your personal power.
  • If you are called to lead, don’t hesitate to shoulder the responsibility! However, you must take others into consideration and listen to their input.


Are you an Aries who doesn’t identify with your Sun sign? If so, you may identify more with your Rising or Moon sign. Or you may have an emphasis of another sign in your natal chart. To learn more about the other planets in your astrological natal chart, purchase a reading here!  Or contact me here if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!