Sun in Leo, Leo Sun, Brandi Khan, Astrology

The Sun in the sign of Leo gives a strong desire for creative self-expression. Warmth, charisma, and generosity abound in Leo! Furthermore, you may be a natural born leader. Being in the spotlight may feel like home to you. However, you might not always feel confident being center stage due to self-doubt.  Therefore, your heroic journey to your authentic self involves healing your insecurities so that you can freely share your authentic self with others.

Astrology of Leo:

The Sun rules the Fire sign of Leo. The Sun in Astrology represents your identity, your sense of self, and your vitality. With the Sun as your astrological ruler, you can bring a sense of “light” into the lives of others around you. When you embrace the energy of the Sun, you will feel centered and secure within yourself. Without a doubt, you will know that you can handle any challenge that comes your way. If you are not using the power of the Sun in a functional way, you may feel as if you lack a true sense of purpose in your life.

The lion, “King of Beasts”, represents the Fire sign of Leo. Just like the regal lion, you command attention with your presence. With the Sun in Leo, you naturally have the ability to lead others in a strong and inspirational way. Nevertheless, you are here to live your life with a sense of enjoyment and adventure. Therefore, your work must be balanced with pleasure. You can feel unmotivated and unbalanced if there is no time spent on fostering your sense of creativity. Passionately engaging the energy of the heart chakra is vital for you. There must be a sense of connecting with the feeling of inspiration in daily life.

Like all astrological signs, your Leo traits can manifest in a functional or dysfunctional manner. In fact, your “superpowers” are the abilities that come naturally to you when you are at your best! However, a lack of balance can lead to behavior that prevents you from being your best. These habits, much like “kryptonite”, can limit your potential.

Leo Superpowers:

  • Sun in Leo can give you a magnetic and powerful presence! You are able to channel the warm energy of the Sun to those around you. At your absolute best, you are proud, generous, loyal, creative, and warm.
  • When you are passionate about your endeavors, you are unstoppable!
  • You may have a special flair for the dramatic! Therefore, you may be drawn to theater, acting, music, and the arts.
  • Leo embodies passion, creativity, and play–all of which come naturally to young children. Therefore, you may also have a natural ability to work with and inspire children in some way.
  • Leadership is your special quality!  When you are aligned with your personal power, you can lead and inspire others to be their absolute best.
  • Your loyalty is beyond question. You are protective and supportive of those that you love.

Leo Kryptonite:

  • If you are out of balance as a Leo, you may come across as domineering, selfish, arrogant, and overly dramatic.
  • Even though your Sun in Leo makes you seem super confident to others on the outside, there may be a sense of insecurity and uncertainty deep within you. In order for true confidence to manifest, this must be healed. Until then, you may come across as superficial to others.
  • You thrive on attention and approval. This can manifest as a constant need for recognition from others. You must learn to give yourself the validation that you seek.
  • You love to receive praise, but you may not always remember to return the favor. Consider that others also need to feel recognized. And remember, it’s ok to share the spotlight, dear Leo!
  • Leo rules the upper back, spine, and the heart. Maintaining a healthy diet and an exercise regimen is an important part of caring for your heart. Back and spine ailments could occur if you overexert yourself. Therefore, you should not push your body beyond its physical limits.

Leo Life Lessons:

  • With your Sun in Leo, feeling truly safe in your power will only come through the development of self-love. Without this self-love, you may unconsciously seek and demand attention from others in dysfunctional ways–such as narcissism, vanity, and arrogance. Instead of having an uplifting presence, you will come across as overbearing and energetically draining to be around.
  • It’s important that you allow yourself to keep an open heart with a sense of humility. Then, you can passionately lead and inspire others to achieve greatness through sharing your creative gifts. Affirm that, “I am recognized for my creativity in positive ways” and “I give myself the recognition that I seek.”
  • It’s important to connect with your inner child. Give yourself permission to “play”, have fun, and enjoy life.
  • You will not feel safe in your Leo power if you are not connected to the higher expression of your ego. If you are connected to the lower expression of your ego, you may act in dysfunctional ways in order to be noticed and recognized.
  • Learn to delegate authority to others. Even though it may be difficult, trust that others are fully capable of getting the job done. It’s not necessary to carry the burden all by yourself.


Are you a Leo who doesn’t identify with your Sun sign? If so, you may identify more with your Rising or Moon sign. Or you may have an emphasis of another sign in your natal chart. To learn more about the other planets in your astrological natal chart, purchase a reading here!  Or contact me here if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!